
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Well, Hello There...

Oh my gosh it has been awhile!  A new year has come and we are already in the second month of 2017.  My last post was in October.  Bad, bad blogger.  Note to self: write more blogs, also note to self, keep up with blog.  Get it together Michelle!

So how was everyone's Christmas and New Years, Oh Halloween and Thanksgiving as well? I'm probably just talking to empty cyber space as I don't think anyone reads this little ole blog of mine, especially when I don't post for oh about 4 months.  Anyhoo...

So this blog is and will continue to be a goal for me this year.  I have brainstormed some awesome posts for you, well me as this is just good, cheap therapy.  I usually blog while I have wine but alas I am all out tonight.  Geez my thoughts are all over the place.  

Updates in life since October: 

My fiance and I broke up. It was a decision I based on the sole fact that he wasn't right for me in the first place.  I don't know why I said yes in the first place. *Here's your sign Michelle*

Brayden, my son turned 6.  His birthday is on December 31st which I think is awesome but he will probably grow up to hate it because its New Years Eve.  

October 17th I got a full time job serving at a restaurant.  Oh and look what also happened in October.  I stopped blogging.  

Donald Trump is president.  Don't even get me started on that one. 

I am currently seeing someone, who loves The Beatles even more than I do.  Funny, how just before I met him, I wrote down staying single for the whole year as goal. Ha I lasted ONE day.  Its like the universe loves to joke around with me.  We shall see how this goes...if it goes.  So far so good.  I am actually quite happy.  His name is Mark,

I have not been thrifting, estate sale going or treasure hunting very much.  However, when I do, I score which make me happy.   The two times this year that I have been out Mark suggested we go and I am convinced he is a good luck charm.  I think I will keep him around.  My favorite scores: vintage postcard books from the 60s about Clearwater, Fl, Disneyland, and Hollywood, a $9 vintage Pyrex lasagna pan that Mark found, and A 1961 Betty Crocker cookbook with AMAZING graphics.  

This year on Etsy has been my busiest month and I am so ecstatic.  The majority of my goals this year revolve around it and I hope that I can grow it into a steady income.  I would love to concentrate on it full time but this lady needs to pay bills.  

Oh I am going to open a second Etsy shop in the near future,  Its called Rose Colored Records.  It will just be a little recorded store that will have all types of music and great album art.  I am super excited about this.  I know that I could just add them to my existing shop but I love the name and concept.   

That is pretty much all that has been going on in my life.  Now that we are all caught back up, the fun can begin!  



Friday, October 7, 2016

Vintage Fashion Friday: Fall Vibes

Fall is here and I am so glad.  I wait all year for it.  I love Halloween and Thanksgiving, also I was born in the fall.   However in Florida it can feel like summer most of the season.  I live for the first cold front so I can be in boots and a chunky sweater with a pumpkin spice latter in my hand.  If the temperature drops even a little I am in a hoodie. Unfortunately there has been no change in weather the and the only weather we are having is Hurricane Matthew.   Luckily, I live on the East Coast of Florida and all we are getting is some wind.  So while I am stuck inside with my air conditioning cranking I thought that I would post some vintage fall fashion.

When I think of fall fashion I think of dresses in plaid, colors that would rival the color of the changing leaves with tights and the scarves of all different colors and textures.

Source Unknown.  
I love this Green Dress From TB Dress:

Available here 
This dress looks perfect with knee high boots.
Available here
Here are some of my favorite vintage and vintage inspired scarves:

Vintage Inspired Patricia Nash Scarf Available here
This Vintage Ralph Lauren scarf is soft and feminine
Available here
Until next time....


Sunday, October 2, 2016

Why I Love Vintage

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When I was a little girl I spent the most time with my Nana.  Her house was my favorite place to escape the tension in my house while my parents fought.  My Nana was a hoarder, not like a hoarder that you would see on the TV show, but she had bunches of stuff.  Looking back on it now, amazing stuff.  Things that any vintage lover would go gaga over.  My grandma worked or was a volunteer at Goodwill.  We would spend hours playing dress up, baking and watching old movies.  We loved horror films and Christmas was her favorite holiday.
As a teen my mom would drag me (yes she had to drag me) to thrift stores and garage sales.  I HATED it.  I believe it was the whole teenage angst. My mom has some amazing stuff that I tend to steal from her now.   Love you Mom! 
Which leads us to now...I thought I would turn my passion into a side business.  I am a bartender and am not working right now.  So for the past year or so I have been buying treasures to send off to other people that love vintage.  I started this blog to showcase them and their history.   

If anyone is reading this take a gander through my Etsy Shop and use this code for anything over $15.

